Understanding And Managing Hidden Energy Costs

Actual energy used to power a facility, known as a commodity cost, accounts for less than 50% of a utility bill.

The other half of the utility bill is known as non-commodity charges and continues to increase.

Five utility costs to watch (Percentage of Utility Bill):
  • Environmental and Renewable – charge for climate actions…these charges will continue to be higher over time (15%).
  • Distribution – cost of moving energy from a plant to an outlet….last five years a 6% increase (20%).
  • Energy Commodity – the cost of what comes out of a generator (47%).
  • Capacity and Transmission – charges for poles, wires and other grid technology….a 91% increase since 2011 (15%).
  • Miscellaneous – expenses from Government tariffs and related fees…charges relatively static (3%).

How to reduce the Five Utility Costs:
  • Environmental and Renewable – look for Green Energy with tax exempt programs.
  • Distribution – track how and when you use your energy and determine when you use the most, time frame.
  • Energy Commodity – understand your energy exposure….review your energy buying patterns…track energy use and develop a policy and strategy for buying electric and natural gas.
  • Capacity and Transmission – manage your peak demand loads…a fundamental change in energy mix is changing pricing signals…look at a Demand Response Program.
  • Miscellaneous – limited control over these costs since they are determined by Governmental rules within each state.

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